Over 6 Years ago we were gradually retiring from our A/C business and I thought it would be nice to have a “small dog” join our family. I had such a dog 30 years prior and was looking forward to the new one.
This dog would be someone who could travel with us on short trips to pick up feed or ride to the Post Office with us.
Little did we know just how much this little creature would become such a big part of both Bill’s and my daily life!
Had my heart set on a Chihuahua! A perfect size to ride in the truck and not be over bearing and small enough to carry if we stopped at a Building Supply or Feed store. I didn’t want to go to a Breeder or Puppy Mill and was not interested in the pedigree or Papers.
We began a search and found what we thought would be a good match at the “YOUR Humane Society SPCA Animal Protection organization” located in Lake Panasoffkee, Florida.
They are a Non profit Organization caring for and finding homes for homeless cats, dogs and other animals. They do not get any government aid and provide for so many on what Donations they receive or Fund Raisers they have.
Our new family member was only 6 weeks old and fit into my two hands and came with the name of Tasha. She looked like a Chihuahua but in due time she grew into a 22+ pound Chihuahua mix. (we think crossed with a Miniature Pincher.)
Tasha has become a very “Big” part of our daily lives; Rising in the morning when we do to accompany us on our daily rounds as we care for the Quail.
Always looking for anyone that may be out of their appointed home, herding the birds back towards us so that we can catch them, checking the corners for any creature that shouldn’t be in the building or just keeping an eye out in general.
She is constantly on the move, always watchful. She makes the time spent doing the chores go by quicker and more interesting just watching her doing her patrolling.
When eggs are taken into the packaging room she goes with us, keeping an ever watchful eye on the packaging process.
But what she really enjoys is riding in the Buggy when we meet a customer who is picking up an order or we are moving around the property. She does “love” to ride!
She spends her evenings stretched out beside Bill when we watch Tv or her head is resting on his shoulder. Of course changing positions several times through out the evening to rest beside me or lay her head on my shoulder. She does share her time between both of us. And, she enjoys watching TV especially any animal that appears on the screen .
So on behalf of Tasha, we would like to Thank you for any purchase that you make here, as A portion of the Proceeds obtained from the sales made on this web site are being Donated to “YOUR Humane Society” to help them continue to help Homeless animals find their “forever homes”.

Tasha riding on water cart in Hatchery

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